
Operational Certifications

Product Certifications

ISO 14001

RACL aims to develop ecological products to ensure economical use of resources such as energy, water, raw materials and the lowest possible environmental pollution due to effluents, air emissions and wastes.

ISO 9001

RACL aims to develop integrated synergy in design, development, manufacturing, marketing and sale of textile chemicals.

Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)

RACL has smoothly implemented REACH regulation in past decade since European chemicals policy entered into force in June 2007. RACL has preregistered all their substances manufactured as well as directly imported. Depending on the production volume of the ingredients of our textile auxiliaries, the registration will remain effective.

The registration requires exchange information regarding exposures and risks while using textile auxiliaries and if necessary to report them to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). It aims to be a reliable partner in whom a customer can trust, as part of our customer service.

Bluesign certification

RACL benefits from the comprehensive assurance of the Bluesign® standard as a supporter of Bluesign technologies ag.

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certification

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is recognised as the world’s leading processing standard for textiles made from organic fibres. It defines high-level environmental criteria along the entire organic textile supply chain and requires compliance with social criteria.

Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC)

In the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals joint roadmap, Version 2, ZDHC member brands are committed to define and develop a Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL) for the apparel and footwear industry. The ZHDC MRSL addresses hazardous substances potentially used and discharged into the environment during manufacturing and related processes, not just those substances that could be present in finished products.

The ZDHC MRSL is a list of chemical substances subject to a usage ban, means that the MRSL-listed chemical substance or group of substances may not be used to achieve a desired function or effect during production of the raw material or product (that is not intentionally used). Due to the existence of manufacturing impurities in chemical formulations, a minor or traceable amount of the restricted substance is permitted within defined concentration limits. Chemical formulations containing restricted substances that exceed these limits are not compliant with the MRSL.

ZDHC Gateway
The Formulator Rudolf GmbH has a total of 2,637 products uploaded and published on the ZDHC Gateway. Out of 2,637 products, 2,627 products are published with one of the current applicable ZDHC MRSL version(s) with Level 1, 2 or 3. 10 products out of the total products are registered and published with no ZDHC MRSL Conformance Level.

To the best of our knowledge, none of these substances are intentionally generated during production. This confirmation is only valid for the above mentioned MRSL version and will expire when amended by RUDOLF GmbH.

The information given in this confirmation is based on our current knowledge on the date of issue of this document. It contains information which complements our Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and Technical Data Sheets (TDS). However, as fields of application and | or conditions of use cannot be respected in this document, the users of our products should carefully check the information given in our MSDS and TDS and | or carry out tests for themselves in order to ensure the compliance with any legal requirements and | or specific requirements of any Restricted Substance List (RSL) of a Brand.


INDITEX has developed a manufacturing code, called Ready To Manufacture (RTM), to compile the good manufacturing practices and best practices to comply with INDITEX product health standard and Clear To Wear (CTW). This manufacturing code is intended to all INDITEX direct suppliers and the wet processing units (dyeing and printing mill, laundries and tanneries) included in the supply chain.

RACL has high performance products of the C6 RUCO-GUARD® and C6 RUCOSTAR® product range which offers alternatives to the classic C8 fluorocarbon resins for many years. Monomers of a shorter chain length are used here which cannot biodegrade into PFOA, not even in the long-run.

The list by INDITEX contains a commercially registered chemical products used in textile and leather manufacturing process shown in chapters under:

  • Dyestuffs and auxiliaries for textiles and leather
  • Water and oil repellents

Chemical products listed in Dyestuffs and Auxiliaries for Textile and Leather chapter are categorised in A, B or C according to their degree of compliance of the different CTW categories (articles for babies, articles in direct and prolonged contact with skin and articles without direct and prolonged contact with skin) for following parameter | categories:

  • Formaldehyde
  • Heavy metals
  • Chromium
  • Arylamines
  • Chlorophenols
  • Pthalates
  • Fluorocarbons
  • Other restricted substances

Screened chemistry is a process used by several global apparel brands (including Levi Strauss & Co, H&M, C&A, Nike and others) to score chemical formulations for presence on various restricted substances list, preferred substances list and critical underlying human as well as environmental health characteristics.